Thursday, May 20, 2010

when you get a chance, so i have your number

your numb hands all in my face

full fronting forward steering, rear-view mirror

the sweat of leather, closer than a feather

or a fortnight of foreskins

within foresight of Appalachians

the bare ridge reveals a glimpse

and then at once


thought i knew air as sweet as this

thought i knew the sweet river bliss

but one who claims to know a man

knows not the design of his hand

the wrapping paper sentimentality

torn off to reveal the gift

the gift which is one-sided

which pierces the skin and spouts blood

i had no premonition of this moment

strange that i had none

and yet the unspeakable is spoken

the stagnant moment broken

a piece from the sky

got on your shirt by the bottom button

staining it forever, i thought

until i realized you never washed

never washed jeans

three years in and inside out

they wear the stories of your early adulthood

in third world sidewalk cafes

or the pepsi for which you didn't pay

let's look at the menu first

i dunt wanna get sucked in head-first

oh that place?

i heard they have forty dollars worth of it

and i had some yesterday

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