Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Kids These Days

Y: I love how beautiful the ocean is. Look how beautiful... You missed that, also that, where Villy, where Villy lives. You should go there sometime it's fantastic. In Delaware.

A: The ocean's blue like that?

Y: Well, it's the bay, you know, I didn't see it that blue because it's more extended, you know. And everyday those freight boats going, it's like a highway there, I don't know where they're coming. Big, big freights. You know, ships, they transport things from wherever, China, wherever. It's like a highway, everyday, night and day. They go very slowly, you know. I think he's there this weekend.

A: I think, didn't he just get back from the Andes?

Y: Yeah.

A: He went back to Delaware already?

Y: Well they, you know they just bought the house, so they are anxious to go, summertime, wintertime you can't, right? And it's good, they're relaxing, for them.

A: And you spent a lot of time with the kids when you were there?

Y: In Argentina?

A: No no, you when you went to Delaware.

Y: Yeah I did. Very much.

A: What'd you think, what were your impressions.

Y: Stefan I think is doing good. Nicky has a long way to grow up.

A: He has to turn another leaf.

Y: He has to get out. Nicky is very smart, he's too smart for his own good, you know how I mean by smart, not intellectual smart, but he, smart smart, but he plays too many games, I don't like that at all. He doesn't have a life.

A: I think the best thing for Stefan is to let him, give him some freedom, let him breathe a little bit.

Y: Stefan is OK.

A: No but I think he needs more breathing space.

Y: Steffy?

A: Cause otherwise he's going to rebel.

Y: He's already rebelling. I don't think they give him any, I don't agree with that, Alex, about Stefan.

A: Cause right now what you need to do is trust that you, that they've raised him properly and that he'll make the right decisions. It's not about policing him.

Y: Well I don't think they police him. Actually, I tell you one thing, he's, if anything else, I think--well, that's stupid things, but he has freedom to go wherever he wants. Finally I got out of him to bring his girlfriend over he didn't even want to admit he had a girlfriend.

A: Did you meet her?

Y: Not--

M: Did you meet her?

Y: No.

M: Oh she wouldn't come?

Y: Well, I asked him, but well you know like I said, he, he had a hard time to admit that it was a girlfriend in the meantime he spends all his time over there I said, "I'm not saying you have any relationship in the other way it's a girl it's a friend, right?" What's wrong not to bring her over? So finally he said he said--

A: It's all semantics, yia-yia.

Y: Yeah, so he, anyhow, it takes him a little, he's not sure of that. He's young, he's only fifteen, Alex.

A: I'm not--

Y: You know, when he was, remember when you were fifteen, how would you react?

A: I know, but people, people are maturing faster these days.

Y: Oooh, they all were, you were not [laughing].

A: No I think they are.

Y: Nah, how you mean "these days," how far are you, how much older you think you are? Centuries older than them?

A: Well I mean I don't know. With technology and everything.

Y: The same generation like you, Alex. It's just in the genies [sic] of a person I think.

A: People are more, exposed to things differently.

Y: Well Al, xha-xhi was maturing in that direction at that age. Oh, are you kidding? Oh, at that age when you, when he was eleven? But even younger. It has to do with his genies.

A: The genies?

Y: Yeah how he, you know, how his body aged. And his brains too.

M: It's so beautiful, guys, the water, did you see? Do you see any whales, Alex?

A: No.

Y: Now, right now?

M: No I guess not.

Y: I think it's too late isn't it, honey?

M: Although this is the time you can see a blue whale on occasion. A big one.

Y: Uh oh. You see them around over there too, no?

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