Saturday, September 1, 2007

Gutter-life Motherhood

This older African-American man at the bus stop, then bus, who was talking aloud. I attempted to jot down what I could:

This was before your time, it might have even been before my time; there's no way to prove it. There is no way for them to prove anything. There is no proof. So what they're saying is, "We don't need you. We don't need the black people; we can do everything without you, without your kind." They can up and walk away... She's got to take it from me in that cradle. See, the African mother she could do it. She could do the job. She's not able to do it. But the whole world of Africa: 1,000 years. The cradle of white has nothing to give to that child from the land from he comes. They never had a motherland like that... Our mother who made that possible. Mothers make it possible to do what now? Go to jail and smoke the crack pipe. Is that first-class mother hood? No. Is it second-class? Third-class? It's gutter-life motherhood. That's what it is. Our mothers, they living in the gutter and evil perpetuates evil. You grow up fed with a silver crack pipe in your mouth, that's what. And then it's mighty difficult to curb that kind of addiction. An addiction from birth. See, our mothers they cared for us. They cared what we was going to do with our life. Not just piss it away. But no, she can't give it to him. She got to feel sorry for them now... What if they had the Bible, the language? What if they ahd been that way, huh? No...

and he descends from the bus.

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