Sunday, June 24, 2007

Watch out for The Pinochler

Michael telling a story about how his cousin--while answering phones for the Pottery Barn--got into a long conversation with an old man who was a cop in San Francisco during the 30s.

M: ..."The Pinochler." And it was like he kept bringing up The Pinochler throughout the conversation. And uh--

A: The Pinochler? What does that mean?

M: Like he liked to play pinochle.

A: Oh.

M: And uh and apparently he like busted heads.

A: What is pi-nochle?

M: It's like a card game. I think a board is involved or something. I don't know the--

AR: Was he like a gangster or the like uh--

M: Yeah, it was like he busted head so you had to watch out for him. You know, he didn't like catch The Pinochler but like he was just talking about him.

A: I wonder if he was a cop during the Zodiac phase.

M: No. He was a cop during the 30s.

A: I don't know. Maybe he started off in the 30s--late 30s.

M: The Zodiac was like not that big of a deal except for like two guys.

A: So this guy calls up Pottery Barn and just like goes right into how he was a cop.

M: Yeah.

A: Like, "you got any of that--"

M: Like, "Thank you for calling Pottery Barn." "There's this guy, Robert--" "Yeah, are you sure you called the right number?" "You bet your ass I did, is this Pottery Barn? I gotta tell you about The Pinochler."

A: "Do you have any drapes with 1930s cops on them. Oh wait, that's me. Let me tell you something... bout that.

M: No he uh it was just like it happened in the conversation. Raza got into a conversation at the Aquarium where he was talking to some woman for forty minutes about his life. And at the end of the conversation she told she told Raza to buy--go out and buy his mom flowers because--

A: Oh yeah I remember that.

M: --she raised a great kid or something like that. And I was like, "I would feel like a million bucks if someone told me that."

A: He did it, right?

M: Yeah, he did it kind of shi--he was like, "Some lady told me to buy these flowers."

A: That's so Raza to like go through a nice gesture and like botch the delivery.

M: Yeah cause he wasn't--it wasn't like "Thanks for being a great mom." It was just like uh yeah so I got you these.

A: He shouldn't have even said anything.

M: Yeah.

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